As If It Was (True) 2005

As If It Was True Videostill 3

Videosingletape about Romantic heroism.

A Child is sitting and makes a question:
What is communism?
Answer: Communism is when you play and somebody comes and takes your toys away.

Another Child:
What is communism?
Answer: Communism is when you play and somebody comes and brings his own toys and then you play together.

Later I'm told what Capitalism is.
Capitalism is when the invisible hand will tutor us all.

Videosingletape "As if it was (true)" (4 min 50 sec) consists of five fragments.
First fragment is told as above: a metafora as an approach to explain a macroeconomistic system of the society in both Eastern and Western Finland in the 1970's.

The next four parts operate in the microeconomistic field. The spoken text consists of
a dialogue between man and a woman. Woman speaks finnish, man repeats the text in russian.

Premiere: 27.10.2005 MUU gallery, Helsinki
Format: DVD 16:9
Original: Mini-dv 16:9
Year: 2005
Length: n. 4 min 50 sek
Script, direction, cinematography and editing:
Jaana Kokko
Actor: Eeva Putro, Ulla-Riikka Koskela (voice),
Alexander Lackmann (voice)
Translations: Elina Mikkilä
Place of cinematography: St. Petersburg, Russia.
Edited in Helsinki, Finland 2005.
Languages: Finnish, Russian, English (subtitles)
Support: Visek (Visual art Funding, Finland),
Sleipnir (Travel stipends for Nordic artists)